Terms, Abbreviations and Acronyms by A


ABAN  Abandonment
AGM Above ground marker
AMSL  above mean sea level
AOF Absolute open flow
AOFP  absolute open-flow potential
AGRU  acid gas removal unit
ACOU  Acoustic
ADCP Acoustic Doppler Current Profile (system)
ALR  acoustic log report
ACQU  Acquisition log
aMDEA  activated methyldiethanolamine
AFP  Active Fire Protection
APS  active pipe support
ART  Actuator running tool
ANPR Advance notice of proposed rulemaking
ADROC  advanced rock properties report
ALC  aertical seismic profile acoustic log calibration report
AAR After action reviews
ACHE  Air-Cooled Heat Exchanger
AIRG  airgun
AIRRE  airgun report
AC Alaminos Canyon Gulf of Mexico leasing area
ABSA  Alberta Boilers Safety Association
AHBDF  along hole (depth) below Derrick floor
AHD  along hole depth
AIV Alternate isolation valve
ART Alternate response technologies
AADE American Association of Drilling Engineers
AAODC  American Association of Oilwell Drilling Contractors (obsolete; superseded by IADC)
AAPG American Association of Petroleum Geologists
AAPL  American Association of Professional Landmen
ABS American Bureau of Shipping
AIChE American Institute of Chemical Engineers
AIME American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers
ANSI American National Standards Institute
API American Petroleum Institute
API  American Petroleum Institute: organization which sets unit standards in the oil and gas industry
ASNT American Society for Nondestructive Testing
ASTM  American Society for Testing and Materials
ASCE American Society of Chemical Engineers
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
WAV3  Amplitude (in Seismics)
AVO Amplitude variation with offset (seismic)
WellCAP An IADC standard for well control training
APC Anadarko Petroleum Corp.
ANACO  analysis of core logs report
ARESV  analysis of reservoir
ANARE  analysis report
APR Annual performance review
ACP Annular casing pressure
AFV Annular flow valve
ASV  annular safety valve
AV  annular velocity or apparent viscosity
AAV  Annulus Access Valve
AMV  annulus master valve
ASCSSV  annulus surface controlled sub-surface valve
AWB/V  annulus wing block/valve (XT)
A Annum
AP Apalachicola Gulf of Mexico leasing area
APD Application for permit to drill
APM Application for permit to modify
ATD  application to drill
APM Application to drill – modification
ADT  Applied Drilling Technology, ADT log
 Appraisal (well)
AL  appraisal license (United Kingdom), a type of onshore licence issued before 1996
APPRE  appraisal report
AWO  approval for well operation
ACP Area contingency plan
AMI  area of mutal interest
APE Area of potential effect
ARACL  array acoustic log
ARRC  array acoustic report
AIT  Array induction tool
AS  array sonic processing log
ASP  array sonic processing report
AL Artificial lift
ALARP As low as reasonably practicable
ASI  ASI log
ASPO Asociation for the Study of Peak Oil & Gas
APM Asset performance management
AOPL Association of Oil Pipe Lines
ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations
atm atmosphere, a unit of pressure
ASR Atmosphere-supplying respirator
AT Atwater Valley Gulf of Mexico leasing area
AIP Australian industry participation
AFE  Authorization For Expenditure, a process of submitting a business proposal to investors
AIT Auto-ignition temperature
ADIOS Automated Data Inquiry for Oil Spills, NOAA’s oil weathering model
AUV Autonomous underwater vehicle
AMS  auxiliary measurement service log; Auxiliary Measurement Sonde (temperature)
AAGR Average annual growth rate
ADEP  Awaiting Development with Exploration Potential, referring to an asset
ARI  azimuthal resistivity image