Feature Jobs and Careers

Below is a list of jobs and careers listings or articles that have a more in-depth description and information:

Underwater Welding

Underwater welding, a term for methods adapted for subsea welding, for the purpose of repairing damage to ships and port facilities, or carrying out welding work related to extensions and repairs of offshore oil deepwater facilities for petroleum extraction.

Underwater Welding

The material is usually steel, alloy and unalloyed, and three techniques which is very different from dry welding, can be distinguished: wet welding, trunk welding and hyperbaric welding. Read more about underwater welding.

Horizontal Directional Drilling

Directional drilling or deviation drilling is an oil and gas exploration drilling technique used to change the direction of a well, most often from vertical to horizontal direction.

Directional Drilling
Directional Drilling

Traditionally, petroleum oil and gas wells are drilled vertically, and the technique of rotating drill string has been developed to achieve as straight holes as possible. Read more about directional drilling.