Chevron Corporation

Chevron Corporation in short: oil and gas exploration and production operations around the world

Chevron Corporation

Chevron has extensive oil and gas exploration and production operations around the world. In 2007, we produced 2.6 million barrels per day of oil-equivalent. Chevron has an exceptionally strong portfolio, with key operations in the world’s most important oil and gas regions. We are the largest producer of oil and gas in Kazakhstan and Thailand, and we are the top crude producer in Indonesia. In Australia, Chevron is the largest holder of undeveloped natural gas resources. We are among the largest holders of deepwater acreage in Nigeria and hold the most leases in the combined Shelf and Deepwater Gulf of Mexico. We are working aggressively to capitalize on recent discoveries. These projects are strategically located in regions with some of the greatest growth potential in the world.

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We are located in San Ramon, USA, America(North)

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