Alberta Research Council

Alberta Research Council in short: perform contract research and development, we license our intellectual property, and we partner in ventures aligned with our strategic direction

Alberta Research Council

ARC has collaborated with business, industry, and academia to foster the economic development and prosperity of Alberta.ARC was established in 1921 by a provincial government Order-in-Council as the Scientific and Industrial Research Council of Alberta (SIRCA) with a mandate to document Alberta’s mineral and natural resources for industrial development. Originally, SIRCA was housed on the University of Alberta campus in the capital city of Edmonton. ARC was the first provincial research organization in Canada.Since then, the history of ARC reveals much about the fabric of Alberta and its economy. Our history chronicles developments in the province’s energy and agriculture sectors. It tracks provincial advances in transportation and environmental protection, and it reflects the blend of industrial and scientific resources that make Alberta an internationally recognized centre of high technology innovation and development.The Alberta Research Council is a story of determination, of innovation, and of unswerving focus on the sustainable development and quality of life for all Albertans

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We are located in Edmonton, CANADA, America(North)

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