MCT Brattberg AB

MCT Brattberg AB in short: Cable and pipe penetrations for installation in high-risk environments

MCT Brattberg AB

MCT Brattberg´s earliest origins reach as far back as 1759, a time when Lyckeåborg was designated the site for the construction of a copper hammer. The Lyckeby River waterfall made the location ideal. Its modern history started after World War II, when the company was given the name Lyckeåborgs Bruk. The mechanical workshop made a variety of products, among them the well-known cut nail The 1950s saw the manufacture of a new product, the MCT Brattberg cable and pipe transit, named after its inventor Nils Brattberg. The MCT Brattberg System is a modular fire and pressure resistant cable transit – for the shipyard and construction industries. Indeed, the product has brought the company global renown. MCT Brattberg has evolved over the years – in the process defining an entire niche in the industry – in order to meet ever tougher demands on quality The early 80s signalled the end of nail manufacture, and resources were focused on the MCT Brattberg products.

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We are located in Karlskrona, Sweden, Europe(North)

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