Search results for "Field Technical Manager"
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[…]the Nigerian National Petroleum Company (NNPC), with Shell as the largest single operator. The oil field are all from inland swamps to deepwater offshore with subsea production systems installed. Some notable subsea fields are Agbami, Akpo and Bonga. With the breakdown of companies and production, local companies have increased considerably, especially on land and as […]
[…]G1R ROV is our lightest and most compact ROV. It provides 53kg of bollard pull while fielding a 10kg payload (14kg optional). It is rated for operation at up to 300m. For more information, click here. The Shark G2R ROV features a high-power-to size ratio, with over 80kg of bollard pull while fielding a 35kg payload. It is rated for […]
[…]is outside Campos in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Focus is also on the deep and ultradeep water field and the pre-salt oil field. The former state-owned company Petrobras is a leading operating company. Top 10 Rio de Janeiro Companies Below is the list of top 10 companies related to the subsea oil and gas category: More Oil […]
[…]of tools round off the range. Weidmüller products are mainly used in switch cabinets and for field wiring. Customers also benefit from our wide range of services.In addition to our expertise in manufacturing precision mechanics, we offer a market- and customer-oriented product portfolio for our international customers in the fields of industrial, process and transportation […]
[…]of many products. High Pressure Equipment Company is special orders we have short lead times and technical/engineering support. The bottom line … you won’t find a more cost effective solution anywhere.
High Pressure Equipment Company are been looking for a responsive supplier that understands high pressure, remember there’s still only ONE High Pressure … HiP.
High […]
Multiphase Solutions, Inc. in short: is an internationally-focused provider of technical consulting services and software systems. multiphase, multiphase flow, flow assurance, deepwater, pipeline management, asset management, leak detection, multiphase metering, inference metering, Virtual Pipeline Manager, Visit our web site for vacancies, jobs and Multiphase Solutions, Inc. careers! We are located in Houston, USA, America(North) […]
[…]Robotics Ltd still retains its original engineers, giving consistency across the full range of its technical solutions. We are committed to developing and getting the best from our staff. We enjoy long term relationships with our customers. We shall be here for a long time to come. Core to our success is the exceptional quality […]
[…]at 18 offices all over the country, Ramboll Denmark sets the trend in the Danish market for technical consulting services. The company is part of the Ramboll Group, which is the leading Nordic consulting group, with activities worldwide Visit our web site for vacancies, jobs and Ramboll Oil & Gas careers! We are located in […]
[…]a lower overall cost structure in each core area. Devon Energy also benefit from the level of technical expertise we attain from our experience in these areas. Concentrated production enables Devon Energy to negotiate more favorable terms with service and supply vendors because we are an important customer with a high volume of business. Visit […]
[…]36 percent interest in Poseidon and operates both pipelines. The route is originate at the Shenzi Field and will connect the field to the Cameron Highway Oil Pipeline and Poseidon Oil Pipeline systems. The subsea pipeline is 83 Miles long and start in USA in the city of Offshore. It ends up in Offshore, USA […]
The Haltenpipe line is 250 kilometres long and carries gas from the Heidrun field in the Norwegian Sea to Tjeldbergodden in mid-Norway. With an internal diameter of 16 inches, it became operational in December 1996. The route is from the Heidrun field in the Norwegian Sea to Tjeldbergodden in mid-Norway. The subsea pipeline is 250 […]
Gas production from the Åsgard field formed the basis for the pipeline system. Flexible risers from the floating Åsgard B gas platform tie into an export riser base on the seabed, which forms the starting point for the 42-inch Åsgard Transport line. The route is from the Åsgard field in the Norwegian Sea to Kårstø […]
The Norne Gas Transport System (NGTS) runs for 126 kilometres to tie the Norne field in the Norwegian Sea into the Åsgard Transport pipeline. The route is from Norne field in the Norwegian Sea into the Åsgard Transport pipeline. The subsea pipeline is 126 km long and start in Norway in the city of Offshore. […]
[…]begins with our passion for understanding the needs of our customers. Add to that our unparalleled technical expertise, the highest standards of quality and a long heritage of innovative thinking. For nearly a century we’ve being doing things The Wright Way.
What’s New At Curtiss-Wright Flow Control
Spirit of Innovation
Our Founders
One trait […]
[…]Determine the requirements for equipment design reviews for specific projects. Prepares written technical reports and also be able to hold presentations to customer and company representatives. Responsible for and assists in the documentation and coordination of equipment interfaces with suppliers. Usually provides guidance and work direction to junior staff. We have a vacant oil and […]