Search results for "Engineering in Perth"

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Neptune Explorer Rig owned by Neptune Marine Drilling

[…]on the Neptune Explorer. The Drillship is a Drillship type of rig and is designed as a Gusto Engineering Pelican Class and built by IHC Gusto at the The NETheRLANDS shipyard. The rig can be operated in water depths of 750 ft and drill down to about 19,685 ft. Drilling Rig Jobs and Careers Drilling […]
Read more » Neptune Explorer Rig owned by Neptune Marine Drilling

Dolphin 106 Rig owned by Nabors Offshore

[…]jobs and careers on the Dolphin 106. The Jackup is a Jackup type of rig and is designed as a Penn Engineering and built by Gonzales Marine at the Gonzales Bienville MS shipyard. The rig can be operated in water depths of 100 ft and drill down to about 10,000 ft. Drilling Rig Jobs and […]

Dolphin 110 Rig owned by Nabors Offshore

[…]jobs and careers on the Dolphin 110. The Jackup is a Jackup type of rig and is designed as a Pan X Engineering and built by General Dynamics at the Charleston SC shipyard. The rig can be operated in water depths of 115 ft and drill down to about 14,000 ft. Drilling Rig Jobs and […]

Pool 53 Rig owned by Nabors Offshore

[…]is a Jackup type of rig and is designed as a Baker Marine Services 50 Series and built by Project Engineering at the Amardah Durban South Africa shipyard. The rig can be operated in water depths of 90 ft and drill down to about 12,000 ft. Drilling Rig Jobs and Careers Drilling Rig […]

Maersk Endeavour Rig owned by Maersk Contractors

[…]and careers on the Maersk Endeavour. The Jackup is a Jackup type of rig and is designed as a Gusto Engineering and built by Rotterdam Drydock at the Rsv Gusto Shiedam Holland shipyard. The rig can be operated in water depths of 300 ft and drill down to about 25,000 ft. Drilling Rig Jobs and […]
Read more » Maersk Endeavour Rig owned by Maersk Contractors

GSF Britannia Rig owned by GlobalSantaFe

[…]and careers on the GSF Britannia. The Jackup is a Jackup type of rig and is designed as a Breit Engineering D-221 and built by Norsmec Ltd at the Norsmec Redcar UK shipyard. The rig can be operated in water depths of 200 ft and drill down to about 20,000 ft. Drilling Rig Jobs and […]

Frontier Peregrine II Rig owned by Frontier Drilling AS

[…]on the Frontier Peregrine II. The Drillship is a Drillship type of rig and is designed as a Gusto Engineering Pelican Class and built by Scott Lithgow at the Greenock Scotland shipyard. The rig can be operated in water depths of 3,000 ft and drill down to about 25,000 ft. Drilling Rig Jobs and Careers […]
Read more » Frontier Peregrine II Rig owned by Frontier Drilling AS

Amazone Rig owned by Gazflot

[…]for jobs and careers on the Amazone. The Jackup is a Jackup type of rig and is designed as a Gusto Engineering No 00 107 and built by Stord Verft A/S at the Aker Stordverft Norway shipyard. The rig can be operated in water depths of 165 ft and drill down to about 10,000 ft. […]

Aban Abraham Rig owned by Aban Loyd

[…]careers on the Aban Abraham. The Drillship is a Drillship type of rig and is designed as a Gusto Engineering Pelican Class and built by IHC Gusto at the The NETheRLANDS shipyard. The rig can be operated in water depths of 4,600 ft and drill down to about 19,350 ft. Drilling Rig Jobs and Careers […]

Atwood Southern Cross Rig owned by Atwood Oceanics

[…]on the Atwood Southern Cross. The Semisub is a Semisub type of rig and is designed as a Santa Fe Engineering Southern Cross and built by Evans Deakin at the Brisbane Australia shipyard. The rig can be operated in water depths of 2,000 ft and drill down to about 20,000 ft. Drilling Rig Jobs and […]
Read more » Atwood Southern Cross Rig owned by Atwood Oceanics