Search results for "Seadrill"
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The West Ceres drilling rig is owned by SeaDrill Ltd which can be contacted for jobs and careers on the West Ceres. The Jackup is a Jackup type of rig and is designed as a KFELS MOD V B Class and built by Keppel Fels at the Keppel Fels, Singapore shipyard. The rig can be […]
The West Epsilon drilling rig is owned by SeaDrill Ltd which can be contacted for jobs and careers on the West Epsilon. The Jackup is a Jackup type of rig and is designed as a Marine Structure Consultants CJ62-S120 and built by Far East Levingston at the Singapore shipyard. The rig can be operated in […]
The West Hercules drilling rig is owned by SeaDrill Ltd which can be contacted for jobs and careers on the West Hercules. The Semisub is a Semisub type of rig and is designed as a GVA 7500-N and built by Daewoo Shipbuilding at the South Korea shipyard. The rig can be operated in water depths […]
The West Menang drilling rig is owned by SeaDrill Ltd which can be contacted for jobs and careers on the West Menang. The Tender is a Tender type of rig and is designed as a Petrodril Holdings Inc Regal Class and built by Keppel Fels at the Keppel Shipyard, Singapore shipyard. The rig can be […]
The West Navigator drilling rig is owned by SeaDrill Ltd which can be contacted for jobs and careers on the West Navigator. The Drillship is a Drillship type of rig and is designed as a MST III-CADS and built by Samsung Heavy Industries at the Kyungnam, South Korea shipyard. The rig can be operated in […]
The West Pelaut drilling rig is owned by SeaDrill Ltd which can be contacted for jobs and careers on the West Pelaut. The Tender is a Tender type of rig and is designed as a Petrodril Holdings Inc Regal Class and built by Far East Levingston at the Singapore shipyard. The rig can be operated […]
The West Prospero drilling rig is owned by SeaDrill Ltd which can be contacted for jobs and careers on the West Prospero. The Jackup is a Jackup type of rig and is designed as a Keppel Fels KFELS B and built by Keppel Fels at the Keppel Fels, Singapore shipyard. The rig can be operated […]
The West Setia drilling rig is owned by SeaDrill Ltd which can be contacted for jobs and careers on the West Setia. The Tender is a Tender type of rig and is designed as a Keppel Fels KFELS SSDT3600-GOM-C42 and built by Keppel Fels at the Keppel FELS, Singapore shipyard. The rig can be operated […]
The West Sirius drilling rig is owned by SeaDrill Ltd which can be contacted for jobs and careers on the West Sirius. The Semisub is a Semisub type of rig and is designed as a Friede & Goldman ExD and built by FG Offshore at the Jurong Shipyard, Singapore shipyard. The rig can be operated […]
The West Taurus drilling rig is owned by SeaDrill Ltd which can be contacted for jobs and careers on the West Taurus. The Semisub is a Semisub type of rig and is designed as a Friede & Goldman ExD and built by FG Offshore at the Jurong Shipyard, Singapore shipyard. The rig can be operated […]
The West Triton drilling rig is owned by SeaDrill Ltd which can be contacted for jobs and careers on the West Triton. The Jackup is a Jackup type of rig and is designed as a Baker Marine Services Baker Marine Pacific Class 375 and built by PPL Shipyard at the PPL Shipyard shipyard. The rig […]
The West Venture drilling rig is owned by SeaDrill Ltd which can be contacted for jobs and careers on the West Venture. The Semisub is a Semisub type of rig and is designed as a ME-5000 and built by Hitachi Zosen at the Osaka Japan shipyard. The rig can be operated in water depths of […]
The West Alliance drilling rig is owned by SeaDrill Ltd which can be contacted for jobs and careers on the West Alliance. The Tender is a Tender type of rig and is designed as a Keppel Fels Regal Class and built by Keppel Fels at the Keppel Shipyard, Singapore shipyard. The rig can be operated […]
The West Alpha drilling rig is owned by SeaDrill Ltd which can be contacted for jobs and careers on the West Alpha. The Semisub is a Semisub type of rig and is designed as a Dyvi Drilling Ultra Yatzy and built by Nippon Kokan at the Japan shipyard. The rig can be operated in water […]
The West Aquarius drilling rig is owned by SeaDrill Ltd which can be contacted for jobs and careers on the West Aquarius. The Semisub is a Semisub type of rig and is designed as a Gotaverken GVA-7500-N and built by Daewoo Shipbuilding at the Daewoo Shipyrad, South Korea shipyard. The rig can be operated in […]