Search results for "Lead Engineer - Offshore"
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[…]based in the United States. Devon Energy Corporation produces oil and natural gas onshore and offshore in the United States, in Canada and internationally. Devon Energy has concentrated its North American oil and gas properties into six core operating areas. This concentration of operations allows Devon Energy to achieve a lower overall cost structure in […]
[…]providing engineering, consultancy and project management McDermott International, Inc. Is a leading energy services company, providing engineering, procurement, and project management for customers involved in the production of energy. McDermott International, S.A. designs, engineers, fabricates, and installs marine pipelines and offshore structures for development drilling and production, and subsea production systems. Visit our web site […]
[…]educated marine experts. Since then, LMG has expanded and developed into a modern and effective engineering organization with a keen staff of well educated engineers and naval architects, with up to date tools and experience for most tasks within off-shore engineering and the building and operation of sophisticated ships. Visit our web site for vacancies, […]
[…]acting as the senior i-Tech representative offshore, maintaining communications with the clients offshore representative and project engineer.
* Execution of the i-Tech operations and ensuring its timely completion in accordance with the relevant proposal and contact, while remaining within constraints of the i-Tech and client safety/operational procedures for all personnel and the i-Tech System(s)
* […]
[…]jobs and careers on the Transocean Comet. The Jackup is a Jackup type of rig and is designed as a Offshore Company Jubilee Class Modified and built by Far East Levingston at the Levingston, Singapore shipyard. The rig can be operated in water depths of 250 ft and drill down to about 20,000 ft. Drilling […]
[…]on the Discoverer Seven Seas. The Drillship is a Drillship type of rig and is designed as a Offshore Company Discoverer Class and built by Mitsui at the Osaka, Japan shipyard. The rig can be operated in water depths of 7,000 ft and drill down to about 25,000 ft. Drilling Rig Jobs and Careers Drilling […]
[…]of rig and is designed as a Marine Structure Consultants Gusto MSC CJ-46-X100D and built by Labroy Offshore at the Malaysia shipyard. The rig can be operated in water depths of 350 ft and drill down to about 30,000 ft. Drilling Rig Jobs and Careers Drilling Rig […]
[…]of rig and is designed as a Marine Structure Consultants Gusto MSC CJ-46-X100D and built by Labroy Offshore at the Malaysia shipyard. The rig can be operated in water depths of 350 ft and drill down to about 30,000 ft. Drilling Rig Jobs and Careers Drilling Rig […]
The Songa Dee drilling rig is owned by Songa Offshore AS which can be contacted for jobs and careers on the Songa Dee. The Semisub is a Semisub type of rig and is designed as a Mitsubishi MD-602 Enhanced and built by Mitsubishi at the Hiroshama, Japan shipyard. The rig can be operated in water […]
The Sheng Li 7 drilling rig is owned by Sheng Li Offshore which can be contacted for jobs and careers on the Sheng Li 7. The Jackup is a Jackup type of rig and is designed as a Baker Marine Services BMC-100-IC and built by Baker Marine at the Ingleside, TX shipyard. The rig can […]
The Sheng Li 9 drilling rig is owned by Sheng Li Offshore which can be contacted for jobs and careers on the Sheng Li 9. The Jackup is a Jackup type of rig and is designed as a Baker Bigfoot and built by at the Promet Singapore shipyard. The rig can be operated in water […]
The Songa Mercur drilling rig is owned by Songa Offshore AS which can be contacted for jobs and careers on the Songa Mercur. The Semisub is a Semisub type of rig and is designed as a Friede & Goldman F&G 9500 Enhanced Pacesetter and built by Vyborg Shipyard at the Vyborg, Russia shipyard. The rig […]
The Songa Saturn drilling rig is owned by Songa Offshore AS which can be contacted for jobs and careers on the Songa Saturn. The Drillship is a Drillship type of rig and is designed as a GLOBAL MARINE DESIGN and built by at the Levingston Singapore shipyard. The rig can be operated in water depths […]
The Songa Venus drilling rig is owned by Songa Offshore AS which can be contacted for jobs and careers on the Songa Venus. The Semisub is a Semisub type of rig and is designed as a Friede & Goldman L-900 Pacesetter and built by Bethlehem Steel at the Bethlehem, Beaumont, Texas shipyard. The rig can […]
[…]type of rig and is designed as a Marine Structure Consultants MSC CJ-46-X 100D and built by Labroy Offshore at the Labroy Offshore, Malaysia shipyard. The rig can be operated in water depths of 350 ft and drill down to about 30,000 ft. Drilling Rig Jobs and Careers Drilling Rig […]