Search results for "Mechanical Engineer (Valves)"
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[…]and field operations staff. We have a vacant oil and gas industry position as Mechanical Engineer (Valves) in Houston, USA, America vacant at BP USA. The job opening is in the Engineering and Valves department at BP America where you will be an important team member. This position is targeting a fully developed Mechanical Engineer […]
BEL Valves in short: manufacturer specialising in valves and services for Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Industries BEL VALVES is a major international manufacturer specialising in valves and services for the Oil and Gas and Petrochemical Industries. BEL VALVES produce a comprehensive bespoke range of bubble tight, metal to metal sealing, Tungsten Carbide hard faced, through […]
[…]personnel within the valve engineering We have a vacant oil and gas industry position as Senior Engineer – Instrument / Actuated Valves in Stavanger, Norway, Europe vacant at Aker Solutions Norway. The job opening is in the Engineering and Valves department at Aker Solutions Europe where you will be an important team member. develop technical […]
[…]creative working environment We have a vacant oil and gas industry position as Engineer/Senior Mechanical Engineer in Bergen, Norway, Europe vacant at Aker Solutions Norway. The job opening is in the Engineering and Mechanical department at Aker Solutions Europe where you will be an important team member. technical responsible of mecahnical equipment in our project […]
[…]succession planning towards the role of Senior Project Engineer.
The role of the Project Mechanical Engineer is to conduct:
• Procedure development, detailed engineering calculations, drawings and specifications
• Material Take Off Lists (MTO) and management of, List of Materials (LOM)
• Witness / partake in equipment function testing
• Perform other related duties and assignments as required
• Principally to […]
[…]engineering studies (høyskole) We have a vacant oil and gas industry position as Senior Mechanical Engineer in Drammen, Norway, Europe vacant at SubseaDesign Norway. The job opening is in the Engineering and Mechanical department at SubseaDesign Europe where you will be an important team member. The Senior Mechanical Engineer will be responsible for conceptual and […]
[…]and external standardization work We have a vacant oil and gas industry position as Senior Engineer Piping and Valves in Stavanger, Norway, Europe vacant at Equinor Norway. The job opening is in the Engineering and Valves department at Equinor Europe where you will be an important team member. Contribute to development of requirements within the […]
[…]sites with a focus on troubleshooting, asset improvement and technology selection Find other Mechanical Engineering Specialist Jobs Find other Exxon Mobil Jobs Find other Oil and Gas Jobs in Mechanical, UK The job position and advert may be expired. Please contact Exxon Mobil, for information on other jobs, salary, careers and vacancies. Mechanical Engineering Specialist […]
[…]in support of internal Subsea7 projects, equipment and operations.
The Senior Mechanical Engineer will have technical responsibility for the mechanical engineering content of selected projects undertaken by RTG. This may include design/development of remote underwater systems and ROV launch and recovery systems. On smaller projects the candidate may have sole responsibility for the delivery of […]
[…]flanges, valves, connection systems etc; We have a vacant oil and gas industry position as Subsea Mechanical Engineer in Aberdeen, Scotland, Europe vacant at Aker Solutions Scotland. The job opening is in the Engineering and Mechanical department at Aker Solutions Europe where you will be an important team member. Develop & manage package interfaces and […]
Alco Valves Ltd (USA & Canada) in short: manufacture a complete range of high-pressure valves for instrumentation, pipeline and Sub Sea applications. Alco Valves Ltd, manufacturers of double block and bleed, ball and control valves The Alco Valves Ltd, "Alco", manufacture a complete range of high-pressure valves for instrumentation, pipeline and Sub Sea applications. These […]
[…]Company has a world market distribution network and sells its products both to engineering companies and to final users, manufacturing a complete line of cast steel gate, globe and check valves, as well as a variety of speciality valves such as Y-pattern and Bellows seal and valves for specialised services such as Alkylation, Cryogenic and […]
[…]Engineering Practices (BEP) on Static Equipment;
* Focal point for developing/updating mechanical engineering policies and guidelines;
* Develop and Maintain Static Equipment Maintenance procedures.Assume Leader role in implementation of new procedure;
* Provides day-to-day specialist mechanical engineering support, e.g, Piping standards, Storage Facilities, Fired Equipment and Pressure vessel issues to the Refinery Production Units;
* Ensures compliance of mechanical […]
[…]must possess First Degree or its equivalent in Mechanical Engineering.
-Must have at least 6 years hands on experience in Cat and EMD Engines in a related Industry. We have a vacant oil and gas industry position as Mechanical Engineer Africa and Middle East Region, Drillships in Offshore, International, International vacant at Seadrill International. The job […]
[…]Brooksbank Valves Ltd. have our own research and development facilities, quality department and engineering team who work closely with our customers to both develop new products, and to solve valve related problems for specific applications. Visit our web site for vacancies, jobs and Brooksbank Valves Ltd. careers! We are located in Skipton North Yorkshire, UK, […]