Search results for "Jobs in Australia"

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List of Oil and Gas Companies in Australia

[…]and most of the income comes from minerals, agricultural goods and industry. Oil Companies in Australia The subsea and oil and gas companies in Australia are involved in all stages of the petroleum industry worldwide, but of mostly in the Australia and Timor Sea fields. The Australian petroleum companies search for, explore and produce petroleum, […]

List of Oil and Gas Companies in Dubai, UAE

[…]territorial waters were made in 1966, extraction began in 1969. Oil revenues were invested in an infrastructure that forms the foundation for the investment in new sectors that characterize Dubai’s modern economy, including a modern port, Port Rashid. Trade between oil and gas companies and other businesses has remained an important industry, and Dubai, with […]

List of Oil and Gas Companies in Africa

The subsea oil and gas companies in Africa are involved in all stages of the petroleum industry worldwide, but of mostly in the West of Africa fields. The African petroleum companies search for, explore and produce petroleum, they transport, refine and market petroleum and petrochemical products. They are hence called integrated oil and gas companies. […]

List of Oil and Gas Companies in Asia

[…]list gives the top 5 companies in the Asia: China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation, China China National Petroleum Corp (CNPC), China PetroChina, China Oil and Natural Gas Corp, India Reliance Industries, India Top 20 List of Largest and Biggest Oil and Gas Companies in Asia Below is the list of top 20 biggest oil and […]

List of Oil and Gas Companies in Southern Europe

The subsea oil and gas companies in Southern Europe are involved in all stages of the petroleum industry worldwide, but of mostly in the Mediterranean and West Of Africa. The Southern Europe petroleum companies search for, explore and produce petroleum, they transport, refine and market petroleum and petrochemical products. They are hence called integrated oil […]
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