Search results for "Drilling Rig Mechanic"
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[…]away. Directional Drilling Jobs Below is a list of available jobs and vacant positions. Find more drilling rigs jobs What is the Salary and how much can you earn? The directional drilling jobs salary and how much you will actually earn in an offshore job depends on which drilling school or course you took, the position on […]
[…]$65k and include compensation for travels and accommodations when not on the diving vessel or oil drilling rigs. Hyperbaric Underwater Welding Hyperbaric welding or dry welding takes place in a closed chamber (habitat) with an open bottom, and with a dry environment, where the water is kept out of helium mixed with oxygen, compressed to […]
[…]came into focus in the 1970s. Production includes cement, chemicals, ships, oil platforms and oil drilling equipment, electronic items, including telecommunications equipment and pharmaceuticals. Japanese capital is behind some of the new oil and gas industries, but European and American industry has also established branches and subsidiaries in the City. Top 5 Singapore Companies Below is the list of top […]
[…]established in 1952, is a global stocking distributor of a broad range of quality electrical and mechanical equipment, components, renewal spare parts for the worldwide Industrial, Marine, Metal Mining, Oil Well Drilling, Utility, Refineries and Petroleum industries. With headquarters in New York City, 28 branch offices worldwide and representatives in 45 countries, Argo has been […]
[…]current rig fleet through a strategy of acquiring, refurbishing and selectively deploying offshore drilling rigs and drillships on fixed-rate, long-term contracts.
In addition to the acquisition and operation of vessels, the company’s strategic aims include investments in and part-ownership of ships and all activities related thereto, hereunder participation in other companies
Petrolia Drilling ASA focuses its activities […]
[…]drill pipe. DrawWorks products are designed to reduce risk and save time by simplifying two key drilling processes: running tubulars and handling fluids. DrawWorks offerings include the AutoFill™ Casing Fill-Up and Circulating System, the AutoValve™ Mudsaver Valve, the DPC™ Drill Pipe Circulating and Flow-Back System, the SJC™ Single Joint Compensator, the WCT™ Wellbore Cleanout Tool, […]
[…]electric wireline tools and electronics designing downhole wireline tools that can handle hostile drilling environments applied electronics, applied electronic systems, downhole wireline, freepoint, backoff, cased hole logging tools, gamma ray, collar locator, neutron, logging, production logging, cement bond Visit our web site for vacancies, jobs and Applied Electronic Systems Inc. careers! We are located in […]
[…]& Industries ltd careers! We are located in New Delhi, INDIA, Asia Jindal Drilling & Industries ltd Products Jindal Drilling & Industries ltd Vacancies Top Oil and Gas Jobs in INDIA Top Oil and Gas Jobs in New Delhi Top Jindal Drilling & Industries ltd Job […]
[…]offshore drilling companies with an increasing focus on deepwater and other high-specification drilling services , drilling, offshore, deepwater, drilling and well services Visit our web site for vacancies, jobs and Pride International careers! We are located in Houston, USA, America(North) Pride International Products Pride International Vacancies Top Oil and Gas Jobs in USA Top […]
[…]to include the design and manufacturing of all the hydraulic systems for all of the drilling rigs located in Alaska, and off the coast of California. Our equipment has been used on the Ekofist Platform and on the Shell Gannet project in the North Sea. We have tremendous experience with drilling platforms, and furthermore, we […]